Control Your Assets And
Grow Your Finances

Protect your investments and secure your future
with our trusted SPVs and Holding Services

Businesses often face uncertainties, but with our Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) and Holdings, we can effectively manage any risks associated with your investment. By investing in companies through our services, you can enjoy the convenience and benefits of the UAE’s progressive business ecosystem.

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What is SPV and Holding?

Special Purpose Vehicle

Special Purpose Vehicle

A Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) is a separate legal entity created to fulfil a temporary business purpose or undertake a limited and specific business activity. SPVs can be used to fund, purchase, and sell stock held on the off-balance sheet to limit responsibility and isolate financial risk.

SPVs are designed as bankruptcy-resistant entities. It is deemed isolated if the parent firm goes insolvent and bankrupt. This is done by ring-fencing assets and liabilities.
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UAE Holding

UAE Holding

Holding companies established in the UAE are legal entities incorporated by local or foreign investors to possess shares or other assets in other companies.
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Office 105, 1st Floor, Emaar Square, Building 4, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Boulevard, Downtown Dubai, Dubai UAE

+971 4 567 7333

Creative Zone SPVs & Holding

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