Cash In On LinkedIn


3:00 pm


4:00 pm

Cash In On LinkedIn

The Best & Easiest Ways To Use LinkedIn To Build & Grow Your Business

In this webinar, we partner with marketing experts Anna Geary and Anita Baldwin, Founders of the Get Savvy Club and Podcast Hosts of Marketing Made Easy.

Together they will share insider strategies on how businesses can leverage social media platforms to attract more clients and make more profits in less time.

Join us.



    Anita Baldwin

    Founder & Podcast Host

    Anita has over 25 years experience working within the Marketing Industry. Anita has controlled large marketing budgets and loves that all size businesses can market their businesses now thanks to social media.

    Anna Geary

    Founder & Podcast Host

    Anna had a 17 year career in recruitment which meant she was an early adopter of LinkedIn & used social media from a commercial point of view for over 15 years, coaching social media to businesses for over 6 years.

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