Importance Of Relationship And How To Keep Customers Happy

Importance Of Relationship And How To Keep Customers Happy

Importance of Relationship And How To Keep Customers Happy You know it makes sense to look after your existing customers and protect the business that they give you from the competition. Simply put, it’s cheaper and more profitable to maintain an existing customer than it is to continually lose and then HAVE to win additional new customers.  Sounds […]

The Myth Of Being Too Expensive | Essential Guide for SMEs and Startups

The Myth Of Being Too Expensive | Essential Guide for SMEs and Startups

Having worked in sales with large corporations for several decades, it became clear to me that there was a need for a practical Sales Automation Tool that enabled sales rather than one that simply tracked events. I developed such a tool and was discussing its functionality with an existing client who asked me, “does the […]

The Art of the Follow Up |An Essential Sales Tip for Entrepreneurs in Dubai

The Art of the Follow Up |An Essential Sales Tip for Entrepreneurs in Dubai

As already discussed in earlier articles, regularly following up with your clients WINS MORE BUSINESS. With this is mind I’m going to share some tips with you on how to follow up effectively and how to be sure that the follow up is successful. But first, a quick reminder: Most Sales People Don’t Follow Up […]

5 Steps To Protect Your Customers From Your Competitors

5 Steps To Protect Your Customers From Your Competitors

We have seen in earlier discussions that a key to success is protecting your customers from the competition. Looking after your existing customers means that targets are more easily achieved and profitability is generally higher. We have talked about how important it is to focus on the relationship between your company as a supplier and […]

The Importance Of Generating Leads For Your Business

The Importance Of Generating Leads For Your Business

Your sales team is making lots of visits, getting on well with potential customers and business is coming through the door. However, targets are not being met – the cause could be that you don’t have enough prospects being worked on. The start of the Sales Process – generating leads, is the activity that is […]

Tamer Nahas, founder of BOLDtalks | Entrepreneur of the Week

Tamer Nahas, founder of BOLDtalks | Entrepreneur of the Week

We are proud to repost this article written by Tamara Pupic and published by Arabian Business Startup Academy, featuring another of our enterprising clients.  Tamer Nahas, founder of BOLDtalks, provides insightful advice for those striving to achieve entrepreneurial success – perseverance is key to success.  Tamer Nahas, founder and CEO of BOLDtalks, a Dubai-based boutique […]

Basic Business Plan for Startups and SMEs

Basic Business Plan for Startups and SMEs

What to include in basic business plan for Startups and SMEs Summarize the key product, service, technology, concept, or strategy on which your business is based. Clearly state your company’s long term mission- Try to use words that will help direct the growth of your company, but be as concise as possible. Summarize your market […]

How To Attract, Hire & Retain Talent for the Startups

How To Attract, Hire & Retain Talent for the Startups

Whether it’s a baseball game, a football game or a business game the team with the best players will more often win.  Bringing the right people on board is important for any business, but Startups in particular can’t afford to make hiring mistakes. When money is tight and credibility has yet to be established, a wrong hire can […]

Legal Basics for the Startup and Small Business Setup in UAE

Legal Basics for the Startup and Small Business Setup in UAE

Introduction – why is it important to have the right structures in place from the start. Selecting the correct business structure that will enable and support future growth and funding. Will help with partnership considerations, particularly in light of potential splits. Commercial Agreements should be set up specific to Startups and Small Businesses. Effective dispute […]

The Importance of Planning for Startups and SMEs

For would-be entrepreneurs, it is important to invest your time in planning and fine tuning your business idea before taking a life changing leap like resigning, relocating or reinvesting your savings in the pursuit of startup success. A common belief among leading business minds and successful entrepreneurs alike is that information gathering is the most important component in the […]

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