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for your child

Over 60 Years of Legacy

GEMS Education is one of the world’s oldest and largest K-12 private education providers, with a record of excellence dating back to 1959. It is a highly regarded choice for quality private education in the Middle East and North Africa.

Founded by Mr Sunny Varkey, GEMS Education’s vision is to put a quality education within reach of every child, and their students’ achievements and academic results bear this out daily, surpassing international benchmarks in all international assessments.

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GEMS Education Overview
in the UAE

Students currently part of the GEMS network
0 +
Nationalities across the network
Schools in the UAE covering all 7 Emirates
Schools in Dubai
0 +
Schools in Abu Dhabi
Schools in Sharjah and the Northern Emirates

Unparalleled Curriculum


Over the last five years, GEMS students have been accepted into over 1,050 universities in 53 countries including all 8 Ivy League universities in the US and all 24 Russel Group Universities and Colleges in the UK.

Supports Families

Language Support

ELL programmes to support children whose first language is not English. The aim is to develop and strengthen English skills, enabling children to be successful in the mainstream classroom.

Transition Programmes

GEMS schools offer transition programmes to ensure the successful transition for their students and families when moving countries, switching curriculum and progressing through year groups.


Happy students learn better and engage more meaningfully, which is why ensuring pupils' well-being and mental health is one of their top priorities.

Personalised Learning

Each child has access to enrichment activities offering a wealth of skills, experiences and opportunities.


The GEMS network offers a variety of opportunities for savings including the exclusive rewards programme, GEMS Rewards, in addition to discounts on tuition payments through bank partnerships and much more.

GEMS Schools
in the UAE

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