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Golden Visa UAE: Salary Requirements for 2024

The UAE has long been an open and welcoming society. Today, almost 90% of the country’s population are foreign nationals.

However, it has not always been easy to make long-term plans in the UAE, with residence visas traditionally tied to employment and requiring renewal every few years. However, this is no longer the case, and foreign nationals can look forward to long and happy careers in the UAE.

Following changes to visa laws, it is now easier than ever for foreign citizens to relocate to the UAE and stay in the country – in some cases, indefinitely. One such initiative is the UAE Golden Visa program, which allows holders to reside in the country long-term without needing an employer or sponsor.

Understanding the Golden Visa

Developed to attract and retain investors and exceptional talent in the UAE, the Golden Visa grants long-term residency to successful applicants.

UAE Golden Visa holders are free to live, work and study in the country and can sponsor family members to do the same. The Golden Visa program also offers holders many more exclusive benefits, including:

  • An entry visa valid for multiple entries across six months following Golden Visa issuance.
  • A renewable visa valid for up to ten years before renewal.
  • No requirement for a sponsor or continued employment.
  • The freedom to reside outside the UAE for longer than the usual six-month cutoff.
  • The ability to sponsor an unlimited number of domestic workers.
  • A visa that permits family members to remain in the UAE even if the primary holder passes away.

Benefits of the UAE Golden Visa

As the holder of a UAE Golden Visa, you can benefit from:

Long term residency

The Golden Visa allows holders to reside in the UAE for ten-year periods, helping them build a solid foundation in the country.

Sponsor-free residence

Gaining UAE residence without employment was once a complex business. The Golden Visa changes that. Investors, entrepreneurs and executive directors can now gain a long-term foothold within the country without relying on continued employment or any kind of local partnership.

Family rights

The Golden Visa also makes it much easier for investors to bring their families to the UAE. Holders are free to sponsor spouses, children, and in some cases parents, without the need for multiple lengthy, and often costly, visa applications.

Salary requirements for Golden Visa UAE in 2024

The salary and financial requirements for Golden Visa applicants differ depending on whether you are an investor, special talent or from any other eligible group.

Public investors must submit a letter from the UAE Federal Tax Authority (FTA) stating that they pay no less than AED 250,000 (USD 68,000) in tax to the government. Real estate investors must own property totalling at least AED 2m (USD 545,000).

Entrepreneurs must own a technical or future-focused project worth at least AED 500,000 (USD 136,000), while executive directors must prove a monthly salary of at least AED 30,000 (USD 8,200).

It is important to note that this salary figure has recently changed. Previously, executive directors needed a monthly income of AED 50,000 (USD 13,600). This was reduced to AED 30,000 (USD 8,200) inclusive of all income sources. Today, the AED 30,000 (USD 8,200) monthly threshold must be met by basic salary only.

Additional requirements for the Golden Visa

Once again, the eligibility requirements for the UAE Golden Visa differ depending on the applicant’s status. For example:

  • Public investors must hold a valid commercial or industrial license and prove capital of at least AED 2m (USD 545,000).
  • Real estate investors must purchase property with a loan from an approved local bank.
  • Entrepreneurs must get approval from an accredited business incubator to establish their proposed activity.

Eligibility requirements are slightly different for special talents as they are largely required to prove their expertise in their field. This could mean evidence of receiving a prestigious award, proof of a specialised degree or a letter of recognition from an emirate’s department of arts and culture. 

Executive directors wishing to obtain a Golden Visa must, as a minimum, hold a bachelor’s degree from a Ministry of Education-accredited university and submit a valid work contract and letter of experience showing at least five years in the same position.

Steps to apply for the UAE Golden Visa 

When you work with the experts at Creative Zone, applying for your UAE Golden Visa is fast and hassle-free. Your dedicated contact will guide you through the following four-step process.

Step 1: Due diligence and eligibility checks
Before submitting any application, the team at Creative Zone will assess your circumstances to ensure you are eligible to apply for a Golden Visa. This process helps to ensure a smooth process and eradicate delays or possible rejection of your application.

Step 2: Choosing an applicant category
Having taken the time to understand your situation, we will work with you to decide on the most appropriate category for your application. This could mean applying as an investor, special talent or executive director.

Step 3: Submitting the Golden Visa application

With your eligibility confirmed, you are ready to apply for your Golden Visa. This can be done mainly online but may require in-person visits to an immigration service centre. At this stage, you will need to submit all relevant documentation, including a copy of your passport, proof of salary and/or capital, and a business plan or CV if required.

Step 4: Receive your Golden Visa
In most cases, you can expect to receive your Golden Visa within seven to ten business days of your application, though it may be longer. The team at Creative Zone will keep you updated throughout this process. Once in hand, you are free to start your new life in the UAE.

Why work with Creative Zone?

Creative Zone has a long and successful history helping investors start new lives here in the UAE. Our dedicated team is well-versed in the country’s business and real estate markets and the complexities of the immigration process.

We’re here to assist every step of the way. No matter your chosen investment or visa requirements, we’re on hand with support, guidance and expertise. So, if you’re looking to lay the foundations for life in the UAE, Creative Zone is your ideal starting point.

Get in touch today to take the first step.

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